Scanning Solutions
We offer a diverse range of scanning services. Our services run from scanning of general office workflow to specialised image reproductions of +A0 historical documents and large volume book scanning. This is reflected in our diverse range of clients from the corporate sector to preservation agencies. We can also scan all microfilm formats and slide images into word searchable databases.

IFiles Render Word Searchable through
Optical Character Recogntion (OCR)
Scanning & OCR Processing
At NML we specialise in affordable business solutions for document scanning and OCR processing, which will render all scanned documents word searchable. We scan all document sizes from postage stamp size to A0+. Our high volume scanning equipment can capture up to 10,000 documents per day. We offer a full range of document management (DM) solutions and will tailor a solution to meet all scanning and budgets requirements from burning files to DVD right up to web based solutions.

Image digitise & reprinted from Microfiche another title
Digitization for all Microformats & Slides.
We can digitise all formats of microfilm into any format of digital image required. This includes, microfiche, microfilm 16mm & 35mm, aperture cards, photo negatives and slides.
We can reprint and develop digitial image database from legacy microfilm. Furthoremore we can render general office files that have been microfilmed into word searchable documents. Enabling the seamliness intergration of former microfilm archives with current digital files.
Converstion of Digital file to Microfilm title

Scanning of Technical Drawings and Historically Significant Images
At NML we have been preserving such images for over 50 years. Originally microfilming technical drawings, we now have the largest range of large format flat bed scanners in the country. This include a range of A0+ and A1+ scanners with book cradles and low UV light to ensure this no impact through-out the scanning process on the documents. We also have sheet feed scanners for more robust maps.

Large Format Book
Scanning up A0+ Bound book Volumes.
We have specilised scanners for bound volumes up to A0+. Perfect for the digitisation of large bound newspapers and other documents of historical signifiance. The scanners are designed for archival documents and have low UV lighting and the over head scan action means there is no impact on the volumes during the scan process.
Furthermore these images can be archived to microfilm or published on-line through are web based archive systems.
Conversation of digital data to microfilm
We are the only bureau in Ireland able to convert digital data to microfilm. This means we are in the position to offer a hybrid solutions for files the require long-term perservation along with accessability.
We are able to simultaneoulsy scan documents requiring output to microfilm and render word searchable PDFs for these images.